General License Course 2023-2027 Curriculum

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    //////////////////////////////////// Chapter 1.0: Rules & Regs

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    //////////////////////////////////// Chapter 2.0: Operating Your Radio

    • Chapter 2.0 Introduction: Operating Your Radio [pp.29]

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    Lesson 2.1: Good Amateur Practice

    • 2.1 READ: Good Amateur Practice [pp.30-35]

    • 2.1 VIDEO: Good Amateur Practice

    • 2.1 REVIEW: Good Amateur Practice

    • 2.1 QUIZ: Good Amateur Practice

    • 2.1 DEPTH OPTIONS: Good Amateur Practice

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    Lesson 2.2: Operating Techniques

    • 2.2 READ: Operating Techniques [pp.36-42]

    • 2.2 VIDEO: Operating Techniques

    • 2.2 REVIEW: Operating Techniques

    • 2.2 QUIZ: Operating Techniques

    • 2.2 DEPTH OPTIONS: Operating Techniques

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    Lesson 2.3: CW

    • 2.3 READ: CW [pp.43-48]

    • 2.3 VIDEO: CW

    • 2.3 REVIEW: CW

    • 2.3 QUIZ: CW


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    //////////////////////////////////// Chapter 3.0: Digital Modes

    • Chapter 3.0 Introduction: Digital Modes [pp.49]

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    Lesson 3.1 Digital Mode Basics

    • 3.1 READ: Digital Mode Basics [pp.49-53]

    • 3.1 VIDEO: Digital Mode Basics

    • 3.1 REVIEW: Digital Mode Basics

    • 3.1 QUIZ: Digital Mode Basics

    • 3.1 DEPTH OPTIONS: Digital Mode Basics

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    Lesson 3.2: Frequency Shift Keying Modes

    • 3.2 READ: Frequency Shift Keying Modes [pp.55-58]

    • 3.2 VIDEO: Frequency Shift Keying Modes

    • 3.2 REVIEW: Frequency Shift Keying Modes

    • 3.2 QUIZ: Frequency Shift Keying Modes

    • 3.2 DEPTH OPTIONS: Frequency Shift Keying Modes

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    Lesson 3.3: Packet & Other Digital Modes

    • 3.3 READ: Packet & Other Digital Modes [pp.59-64]

    • 3.3 VIDEO: Packet & Other Digital Modes

    • 3.3 REVIEW: Packet & Other Digital Modes

    • 3.3 QUIZ: Packet & Other Digital Modes

    • 3.3 DEPTH OPTIONS: Packet & Other Digital Modes

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    //////////////////////////////////// Chapter 4.0: Propagation

    • Chapter 4.0 Introduction: Propagation [pp.65]

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    Lesson 4.1: Solar Activity

    • 4.1 READ: Solar Activity [pp.65-68]

    • 4.1 VIDEO: Solar Activity

    • 4.1 REVIEW: Solar Activity

    • 4.1 QUIZ: Solar Activity

    • 4.1 DEPTH OPTIONS: Solar Activity

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    Lesson 4.2: Ionosphere and Magnetosphere

    • 4.2 READ: Ionosphere and Magnetosphere [pp.69-76]

    • 4.2 VIDEO: Ionosphere and Magnetosphere

    • 4.2 REVIEW: Ionosphere and Magnetosphere

    • 4.2 QUIZ: Ionosphere and Magnetosphere

    • 4.2 DEPTH OPTIONS: Ionosphere and Magnetosphere

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    Lesson 4.3: Operational Impacts

    • 4.3 READ: Operational Impacts [pp.77-82]

    • 4.3 VIDEO: Operational Impacts

    • 4.3 REVIEW: Operational Impacts

    • 4.3 QUIZ: Operational Impacts

    • 4.3 DEPTH OPTIONS: Operational Impacts

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    //////////////////////////////////// Chapter 5.0: Processing Signals

    • Chapter 5.0 Introduction: Processing Signals [pp. 83]

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    Lesson 5.1: Signal Characteristics

    • 5.1 READ: Signal Characteristics [pp.83-91]

    • 5.1 VIDEO: Signal Characteristics

    • 5.1 REVIEW: Signal Characteristics

    • 5.1 QUIZ: Signal Characteristics

    • 5.1 DEPTH OPTIONS: Signal Characteristics

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    Lesson 5.2: Transmitting Signals

    • 5.2 READ: Transmitting Signals [pp.92-100]

    • 5.2 VIDEO: Transmitting Signals

    • 5.2 REVIEW: Transmitting Signals

    • 5.2 QUIZ: Transmitting Signals

    • 5.2 DEPTH OPTIONS: Transmitting Signals

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    Lesson 5.3: Receiving Signals

    • 5.3 READ: Receiving Signals [pp.101-109]

    • 5.3 VIDEO: Receiving Signals

    • 5.3 REVIEW: Receiving Signals

    • 5.3 QUIZ: Receiving Signals

    • 5.3 DEPTH OPTIONS: Receiving Signals

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    //////////////////////////////////// Chapter 6.0: Antennas

    • Chapter 6.0 Introduction: Antennas and Technician Antenna Review [pp.110-114]

    • 6.0 VIDEO: Technician Antenna Review

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    Lesson 6.1: Theory and Principles

    • 6.1 READ: Theory and Principles [pp.115-129]

    • 6.1 VIDEO: Theory and Principles

    • 6.1 REVIEW: Theory and Principles

    • 6.1 QUIZ: Theory and Principles

    • 6.1 DEPTH OPTIONS: Theory and Principles

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    Lesson 6.2: Directional Antennas

    • 6.2 READ: Directional Antennas [pp.130-137]

    • 6.2 VIDEO: Directional Antennas

    • 6.2 REVIEW: Directional Antennas

    • 6.2 QUIZ: Directional Antennas

    • 6.2 DEPTH OPTIONS: Directional Antennas

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    Lesson 6.3: SWR and Impedance Matching

    • 6.3 READ: SWR and Impedance Matching [pp.138-147]

    • 6.3 VIDEO: SWR and Impedance Matching

    • 6.3 REVIEW: SWR and Impedance Matching

    • 6.3 QUIZ: SWR and Impedance Matching

    • 6.3 DEPTH OPTIONS: SWR and Impedance Matching

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    //////////////////////////////////// Chapter 7.0: Hamtronics

    • Chapter 7.0 Introduction: Hamtronics [pp.148-149]

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    Lesson 7.1: Power and Principles

    • 7.1 READ: Power and Principles [pp.150-158]

    • 7.1 VIDEO: Power and Principles

    • 7.1 REVIEW: Power and Principles

    • 7.1 QUIZ: Power and Principles

    • 7.1 DEPTH OPTIONS: Power and Principles

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    Lesson 7.2: Components

    • 7.2 READ: Components [pp.159-172]

    • 7.2 VIDEO: Components

    • 7.2 REVIEW: Components

    • 7.2 QUIZ: Components

    • 7.2 DEPTH OPTIONS: Components

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    Lesson 7.3: Series and Parallel Components

    • 7.3 READ: Series and Parallel Components [pp.173-178]

    • 7.3 VIDEO: Series and Parallel Components

    • 7.3 REVIEW: Series and Parallel Components

    • 7.3 QUIZ: Series and Parallel Components

    • 7.3 DEPTH OPTIONS: Series and Parallel Components

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    Lesson 7.4: Impedance and Reactance

    • 7.4 READ: Impedance and Reactance [pp.179-184]

    • 7.4 VIDEO: Impedance and Reactance

    • 7.4 REVIEW: Impedance and Reactance

    • 7.4 QUIZ: Impedance and Reactance

    • 7.4 DEPTH OPTIONS: Impedance and Reactance

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    Lesson 7.5: Power Sources

    • 7.5 READ: Power Sources [pp.185-193]

    • 7.5 VIDEO: Power Sources

    • 7.5 REVIEW: Power Sources

    • 7.5 QUIZ: Power Sources

    • 7.5 DEPTH OPTIONS: Power Sources

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    Lesson 7.6: Amps and Tubes

    • 7.6 READ: Amps and Tubes [pp.195-202]

    • 7.6 VIDEO: Amps and Tubes

    • 7.6 REVIEW: Amps and Tubes

    • 7.6 QUIZ: Amps and Tubes

    • 7.6 DEPTH OPTIONS: Amps and Tubes

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    Lesson 7.7: ICs and Computers

    • 7.7 READ: ICs and Computers [pp.203-209]

    • 7.7 VIDEO: ICs and Computers

    • 7.7 REVIEW: ICs and Computers

    • 7.7 QUIZ: ICs and Computers

    • 7.7 DEPTH OPTIONS: ICs and Computers

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    Lesson 7.8: Measurement

    • 7.8 READ: Measurement [pp.211-214]

    • 7.8 VIDEO: Measurement

    • 7.8 REVIEW: Measurement

    • 7.8 QUIZ: Measurement

    • 7.8 DEPTH OPTIONS: Measurement

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    Lesson 7.9: Avoiding Interference

    • 7.9 READ: Avoiding Interference [pp.215-220]

    • 7.9 VIDEO: Avoiding Interference

    • 7.9 REVIEW: Avoiding Interference

    • 7.9 QUIZ: Avoiding Interference

    • 7.9 DEPTH OPTIONS: Avoiding Interference

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    //////////////////////////////////// Chapter 8.0: Safety

    • Chapter 8.0 Introduction: Safety [pp.221]

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    Lesson 8.1: Electrical and Antenna Safety

    • 8.1 READ: Electrical and Antenna Safety [pp.221-230]

    • 8.1 VIDEO: Electrical and Antenna Safety

    • 8.1 REVIEW: Electrical and Antenna Safety

    • 8.1 QUIZ: Electrical and Antenna Safety

    • 8.1 DEPTH OPTIONS: Electrical and Antenna Safety

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    Lesson 8.2: RF Exposure

    • 8.2 READ: RF Exposure [pp.231-239]

    • 8.2 VIDEO: RF Exposure

    • 8.2 REVIEW: RF Exposure

    • 8.2 QUIZ: RF Exposure

    • 8.2 DEPTH OPTIONS: RF Exposure

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    Course Wrap Up

    • VIDEO: Course Wrap Up

    • READ: Finding and Exam Session

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    Practice Exams

    • Practice Exams