What our students are saying:

Technician and General License in only three weeks...

Richard KJ5DYM

I did a trial run on all the courses I could find. Nothing else comes close to the quality of this Ham Radio School. It only took five days of study to get my general license. The lessons are created and presented by electrical engineers that know what they are talking about. Furthermore, the presenter is a professional college teacher that really knows how to teach. Lessons are expertly organized with reading, video lessons, practice tests and more for each lesson. The general was a little more difficult than the technician exam, but I only missed one question. I am now studying the Extra License course.

This Technician Test Preparation ROCKS!!!


This course is superbly organized and presented using very well prepared reading and complementary videos. It has further readings and videos for going deeper. Stu, the primary presenter, keeps it moving at a pace that is both challenging as well as fun. The individual chapter quizzes are quick and reinforce how well I've absorbed the material as well as how on or off track I am towards taking the official exam. Highly recommend this course as THE best way to prepare for not only passing the exam, but truly internalizing the many subjects any ham should know. Great Job!

Totally worth!

Orlando KQ4JNX

I would recommend Ham Radio School to anybody who wants to get their ham license. Easy to do, work on your own pace. Complete the course and you will pass the exam easily.

Ham made easy!


I do not have a science or electronics background so I really needed a solid review course that would help me understand these types of concepts. Ham Radio School was the perfect combination that allowed me to achieve success. I passed Tech and one month later General. Ham Radio School made if fun to learn.

Great Course!!!


Very concise and very specific. Stu does a great job of explaining things in the videos and the review material reinforces all of the info. A great way to work through ALL of the licensing questions and prepare for the exam. Very happy with the course and the price.

10/10 Phenomenal!


I really enjoyed this course, everything was laid out in a easy to learn way that has function behind it, definitely the work of craftsmanship. Got me ready and then some to take on my tech exam.

I aced the exam!


Thanks so much for your prep course, it’s a masterpiece! I completed it 3 days and it was super helpful. With your help, I aced the exam!

Excited to get my call sign!!!

Sarah KN6YCQ

I passed my exam tonight! I can't thank you enough for the excellent course. Best $$ I've ever spent. I can't tell you how many times I was able to answer a question by hearing your voice in my head or seeing an explanation/term from the video flash in my memory. Thanks again. Really. Now on to General!

Straightforward & Systematic

Julian Hamer

I really enjoyed the straightforward and systematic approach of the instruction. Even tricky subjects are presented in a thoughtful, sequential way that can be readily followed by an inquisitive mind. I also enjoy the expansion of perspective that is offered and that encourages interest, and of course the pleasant humor here and there!